A one-man crime wave of artistic mediums, Dan Asmus (Synnthetik) creates works that run the gamut from oil paintings to 3D modeled animations and graphic design to 3D printed items. He is also a reluctant author. Dan is the founder and primary creative behind Created By Synn. He has earned a Bachelor's Degree of Fine Arts from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI, and an Associate's Degree in Graphic Design with a Certificate in Multimedia Design from Henry Ford College in Dearborn, MI.
He is always interested in learning new concepts and techniques with technology and applying them to his works. He has dedicated himself to being a lifetime student of the arts and enjoys getting lost in perfecting his creations. His favorite aesthetics include dark themed subject matter interrupted by striking high-contrast colors. However, that aesthetic does not permeate all of his work as he feels each piece is unique and has its own visual demands.